Earth moon and me

Earth ​Moon ​and Me

Abstract Woman Outline
Line Detail Flowers

You have birthed your baby, now what?

The postnatal period is not always plain sailing. Fluctuating hormones, unmet birth ​expectations and experiences, societal pressures, a revolving door of visitors, finding the time ​to eat, let alone shower, and the toughest being…lack of sleep!

As a qualified Midwife, I understand these challenges and at Earth, Moon and Me, we ​provide tailored postnatal support and healing services.

With a variety of offerings to choose from, we will help you during the fourth trimester; ​teaching, nurturing, and empowering you so you can negotiate motherhood with confidence, ​build resilience, and embrace parenthood with a new found energy.

Mother Holding Baby Line Art
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Welcome! Louise here. I am the founder of Earth, Moon and Me, a Cotswold-based Midwife, with ​over a decade of experience working in the NHS, and a passionate advocate for holistic therapies ​and self healing. My aim is to support you through the journey into motherhood, whether it's your ​first or 100th baby (though we hope not, for your pelvic floor’s sake).

Working as a midwife in an hospital environment before the birth of our baby, my first labour went ​in the familiar direction I had witnessed so many times… induction of labour, hormone drip, epidural, ​and caesarean. Second labour; induction, hormone drip, lots of swearing, and a vaginal birth. While I ​didn’t get to labour naturally or birth in water as I wanted, I trusted my colleagues and had positive ​experiences

Postnatally, however, I was left with feelings of failure, depression, anger, and resentment. The relationship with my partner ​was tested, almost to breaking point, and I wish I had had an empathetic guide to support me through the sleep ​deprivation and turmoil during this transitional time.

That is why I created Earth, Moon and Me; to empower and support parents through the early stages of parenthood, with ​offerings designed to help you rest, replenish, and reflect. Join me in embracing this new chapter in your life, leaving you ​more confident and fulfilled.

post birth Offerings - REST

0-3 Months

The period after giving birth is dedicated to recovery, relaxation, and bonding with your newborn. ​Our specialised service focuses on meeting the unique needs of you, your baby, and your family ​during this time.

With my extensive knowledge in Midwifery, I offer personalised emotional and physical support in ​the comfort of your home. This nurturing environment ensures you can rest and receive guidance ​to confidently embrace your new role as a parent.

Services can include:

  • Implementing the 5 5 5 technique
  • Supporting your chosen feeding method with advice and reassurance.. For ​breastfeeding/chestfeeding, assistance is provided with positioning, attachment, and hand ​expressing.
  • Help with navigating the world of nappies, baby wearing, bathing baby.
  • Tips for wound and perineal healing, pelvic floor exercises, emotional and physical changes.
  • Light housekeeping and baby care to give you the opportunity for a relaxing bath or a ​restorative nap.

**** Please be aware that this service is not a substitute for your community midwife.

New Baby Breastfeeding
Spa Bath with Flowers, Candles and Tray
Adorable sleeping cat in bed

Investment: £180 for a 3 hour block or £70 an hour (includes travel)

post birth Offerings - replenish

3-6 Months +

After navigating the first few months of parenthood, it is important to rebuild your energy ​levels and regain a sense of self.

This can be where we break down what parenthood looks like for you.

Self care is not selfish, we can’t give from an empty cup.

Little baby boy and his mother walking in the fields during summer day. Mother is holding and tickling her baby, babywearing in sling. Natural parenting concept
Lesbian Couple with Baby

Topics we Can work through

  • Forming habits; meal planning, time out individually and together
  • Making time for your relationship and keeping communication open
  • Thoughts on baby weaning
  • Thinking ahead - nursery / childminders, you have to get in early!
  • Getting exercise into your day
  • Reframing thoughts; gratitude journal, positive affirmations
  • Finding local groups to join
Babies and moms exercising

Self care


the new

health care

Investment: £55 for 1-hour

post birth Offering - Replenish with Reiki

Any Time

Reiki embodies universal life energy that travels through time and space, through a trained ​practitioner and into the recipient. Experience an energy healing session for your mind, body ​and spirit. When your body is in harmony, you are able to self-heal and achieve a deeper ​sense of balance.

In person sessions can take place either in our Gloucester treatment room or in your home.

As a gift, you will receive a rose quartz crystal symbolizing unconditional love.

Main Benefits

  • Harmonise your chakras
  • Ease your stress and anxiety
  • Let go of tension
  • Diminish physical discomfort
  • Heal emotional wounds
  • Find profound relaxation
  • Enhance your sleep quality
  • Boost focus and mental ​clarity

Distance healing; the same benefits of Reiki can also be experienced without being in the ​same physical space as me. I will provide tips on preparing beforehand, and aftercare ​following.

Rose Quartz Healing Crystals
Chakra Crystals emitting beautiful energy
Therapist Performing Reiki Healing Treatment On Woman

To see all investment options and book, please click

post birth Offerings - reflect

3 Months +

body, mind, soul, spirit
Bible Journaling Exodus
Art palette

Navigating the birth experience can stir a variety of feelings, from pure joy to anxiety, ​sadness or even trauma. Perhaps you experienced a difficult, disappointing, or traumatic birth ​and want to gain understanding and clarity around what happened. Or, you now face an ​upcoming pregnancy with trepidation because of a previous experience.

In the peaceful sanctuary of your own home, I'll be there to lend an empathetic ear as you ​recount your birth story. With my expertise, I'll help you make sense of past events and ​provide ways to help you move towards a more positive future.

Through the magic of Holistic Integrated Creative Art Therapy (HICAT), we can explore ​non-verbal ways of expressing those emotions that words just can't capture. I'll introduce you ​to a variety of stress-busting tools that will help you let go of negativity, boost your self-​awareness, and foster a positive mindset.

We might delve into meditation, learn deep breathing exercises, experiment with intuitive art, ​role play, write, practice gratitude journaling, affirmations, and even set goals. I will be your ​guide, empowering you to start your self healing journey.

Investment: £55 for 1-hour



How do I prepare for distance healing?

I will send you a guide following booking but ​essentially, all you need to do is lie or sit in a relaxing, ​calm room, where you won’t be disturbed.

I will text you 15 minutes before your appointment to ​remind you, allowing you time to get comfy, light any ​candles or incense, & if you wish, put on music, ​snuggle under a blanket, & please mute your phone.

Why are the distance healing sessions so much ​cheaper?

Good question! The effects of distance healing are ​just as powerful but with no costs to me regarding ​travel fees & time. This means I can pass these ​savings onto you.

What will I feel?

Everyone is different. You might experience heat or tingling from ​my hands. While others see colours, feel as if they are moving, ​may cry, laugh, fall asleep, or shake as tension is released.

Reiki encourages the release of toxins, which can also be in the ​form of repressed emotions or experiences, even historically ​through our DNA. Reiki goes where it needs to go, helping us to ​shift these unwanted blockages.

How often should I have reiki?

This is individual. At the start of your healing journey, sessions ​closer together can create change more quickly. Once you feel in ​a good place physically, mentally, spiritually, & emotionally; you ​can maintain this with a treatment every 4-6 weeks. Your body ​will tell you when it is time.

Resources - Birthing Bag

  • Phone charger so you can play your birthing playlist.
  • Battery powered candles - help to create a calming space.
  • A pillow - NHS ones are super thin & sometimes missing!
  • Mini fan or flannel for cold compress - birthing a baby is hot work.
  • Water bottle - easier to keep beside you & drink from.
  • TENS machine - great for early stages & if experiencing labour in your back.
  • Sanitary pads (to monitor liquor if waters break and vaginal loss)
  • lip balm (Entonox can really dry out your lips)
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste for a refresh
  • Lucozade sport or similar (to provide energy)
  • Snacks; eat little and often, (bring enough for your partner too)
  • Peppermint essential oil (for nausea) - or ask for some.
  • Several changes of underwear and spare leggings (if waters break, keep leaking). ​Spare top & one for your partner too.
  • 1 nappy & 1 readymade bottle of formula if feeding your baby this way

You may have a birthplace in mind, ​but it’s always a good idea to pack a ​small bag just in case you need to go ​into a birth center or hospital. Avoid ​stress by completing a practice run ​close to your due date so your ​birthing partner knows where to go.

What should I pack in my birth bag?

Definitely not everything including ​the kitchen sink, space can be limited!

Mother Organizing Maternity Bag

Extras (in main suitcase, keep in the car)

  • Breast pads (although not needed until milk is in)
  • PJs, change of clothes, over bellybutton ​underwear.
  • Toiletries, including maternity pads,
  • Nipple balm if breastfeeding
  • Arnica tablets - relieve bruises & muscle pain.
  • Easy to get on & off shoes (flipflops)
  • Earplugs /eye mask so you can rest ​while your partner is watching baby.
  • Nappies, vests, baby grows, Muslins.
  • Toy, top, something that has your ​scent to help baby settle when in cot.
Monitor Frame Illustration

To thank my NHS colleagues ​please find 20% discount for reiki ​treatments or products from Etsy. ​Just scan the QR code

Contact Me

If you are interested in working with me, ​please send me an email and we can ​arrange a complementary chat via ​phone or zoom.

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2024 Earth Moon and Me

Sculpture of a Goddess


Stumped for a gift idea? How about ​a gift voucher?

It's much like when I'm advising new ​parents - sometimes, the best ​solution is the most flexible one.

Please email me to enquire.

Blank white greeting card and envelope with pink rose flowers